1. Pay atention to the paper. the print is calcography, it means that it leave a relief easily to recognize if you touch it. if the bill is completely smooth, surely the bill is fake.
2. Take a look to the colors . in a real bill lighted colors are combined with dark ones in hard contrast. while in fake ones the colors are all pale.
3. Verify the marks. there are three single marks that distinguish the real bills from fake ones. first one, recognize the silver-plate filament that are in the front of the bill and if they are seen under a mgnifier, they seem to be a line. second, the brown fiber or strings that are added to the original paper of the bill, and fake bills doesnt have them. third, the watter mark that produce a differnce of thickness in the paper and in the backlight it led to see an image.
and this are the three steps for you to know if the bills you have got for traveling are fake or not.
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so useful...;)